Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1/2 is 2/3rds of 3/4ths

I was thinking about what 2/3rds looks like as we come up on the 4 month marker in the healing process from Malone's accident. What if they stopped a football game halfway through the 3rd quarter and called it?  What if you only baked a casserole for 40 of the 60 minutes it required?  What if you only dried clothes 2/3rds of the way?

I have to remind myself at times that we are 2/3rds of the way.  I have to say sometimes "it's ok he's not all the way healed yet, there's still healing to do."  I also have to say "wow! he's not all the way healed yet. That's amazing what he just did!"

Malone will do this week and next week of 2 days of therapy, so now 3 more times and then they will release him to come back as he needs them.  Yep, that's the "r" word.  Release.  We stand amazed at what God has done and continues to do.  He leaves the 27th for a week in Colorado at Frontier Ranch with Young Life.  I had to pray hard as I checked all the boxes on the release form to let him go.  There it is again...the "r" word.

Malone has given up much in this journey but gained even more.  He is a more confident young man and more sure of His relationship with God.  He is more grounded in his faith and more patient than before.  Again, this is not a journey we would have asked for but one I would not give back.  Malone quoted this the other day on his twitter "One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." Sigmund Freud.  Wisdom in that for and from a 17 year old.  He teaches his Mom a lot.

We still covet your prayers as we continue to learn to release to the One who is able to hold it all and handle it all, as we are not.  There's still at least 1/3rd left and miles to go on this journey. May your day be blessed!

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